The Mission of the Gloucester City Housing Authority is to provide and facilitate the availability of decent and affordable housing in a safe and secured living environment and improve the quality of life for all residents. In order to fulfill this mission, Gloucester City Housing Authority must preserve its aging housing stock through timely maintenance and modernization of our developments. While continuing this effort, we have made customer care our top priority thereby providing outstanding, efficient, and compassionate service to all residents.
Gloucester City Housing Authority serves very low- and low-income seniors (62 or older handicap or disabled) and families at 15 sites scattered throughout Gloucester City. The GCHA owns and operates 90, one-bedroom apts and fifteen, 3-bedroom housing units.
GCHA Board Meeting
Gloucester City Housing Authorities Board Meetings are held the 4th Monday Each Month at 5:00 pm
The Gloucester City Housing Authority next monthly meeting on Monday, February 24, 2025
2024/2025 Meeting Dates
Gloucester City Housing Authority
101 Market St
Gloucester City, NJ 08030.